Blogging Buddies

I'm new at this but I just found some wonderful bloggers that have taught me so much.

This page is dedicated to blogs that I follow and you should take a minute to check them out too. They have some great things going on.

If you are a blogger and would like to be my blogging buddy, just follow me and let me know. I love meeting new bloggers and learning all that I can from them.

Life is Not a Paragraph
Confessions of a Scrapaholic

PhotobucketPhotobucketPowered by BannerFans.com30 Minute Martha A Mommy's Sweet Blog Design ButtonSimple WyrdingsJust My Everyday Life

I will update this page weekly so if you have just followed me and don't see your name or pic/link on the list it will most likely be there by Monday. If not hook up with me by leaving a comment, catch me on facebook or on twitter or send me an email.